Student Solution


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4 Subjects

Networking Personal Reflection

Networking Personal Reflection

Q network. Pull something from each of the articles and the video. There are several unique perspectives. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. Which one of these have you personally tried? How have things changed since Covid? Which tip are you hesitant to try, or need to consider trying in the future and why? what do you hope to achieve by trying something new? Outline your plan of action to be actively networking during the next 6 months. Be specific with your goals and timelines. Rubric Some Rubric Some Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5 tips 80 pts Full Marks 70 pts Proficient 4 tips 40 pts half credit 3 tips 0 pts No Marks did not list tips 80 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhich have you tried? 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhich are you hesitant to try 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts Total Points: 100

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Meet on someone’s time, whenever its convenient for someone else. Take responsibility for setting up the meeting. And, don’t ask for a job during your meeting. Use social media because it is tailor-made to use during the new realities of Covid. Use being a student to your advantage as people enjoy helping new students along if they have the time. I have found using who you already know has the biggest bang you can get, as I will continue to do this. Not just on linked, but with people who you have worked with or even someone you know of has worked with someone else, that may put you on the correct path.